Thursday June 15th

Thursday "Easy Breezy"

Date: Thursday, June 15th 
Trip: Nith River – Bleinheim to Canning
Intermediate training required. 

Leader:  Anne Woolner
Tower:  Frank Kuntz

 Cost: $8 (no envelopes necessary)
Time: Meet at the shed @ 8:30  (Parkside and Weber Street are now open) 

Trip Details:  Lots of twists and turns, some rapids and some shallow water, but lots of fun!!
Please make car pooling arrangements before we meet on Thursday  morning.  
If you carpool, please reimburse your driver ($5-10 would be appropriate for this trip). If you drive in a different car each way, please reimburse both drivers. 

Remember: Bring lunch, water, hat, sunscreen, PFD and proper foot wear- no flip flops please.

Contact:  Anne  519-743-2277 to register for this trip. You will receive a confirmation email  to confirm your spot.
If you don’t receive a confirmation by Wednesday night, please contact  the trip leader  to make sure you are on the list.

If you
change your mind or are unable to make it for some reason, please let the Trip Leader know asap as this will affect number of canoes required, partners, etc 

Please check your email the morning of the trip in case of cancellation 

Trip Leaders needed
Please consider leading or towing for some of the upcoming canoe trips. If you can assist so that we don’t have to cancel trips, contact Anne (


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