A few tidbits folks have requested…

Good Day Members.

We had a rather low number attending the AGM yesterday,  we almost didn’t have quorum. With 79 members, there must be  a volunteer to fill Secretary vacancy on the Board!?!
My next blog will be the introduction of the 2024 OSSCC Board of Directors. I will wait till next week in case someone steps up to be the Secretary.

I have received a few emails from members requesting they be unsubscribed  from Mail poet.
I’ll remind folks, they can unsubscribe themselves via blog post. 
At the bottom of the blog post, where the address is listed, there is an unsubscribe button you can click on. 

Some folks at the AGM wanted some documents, they are below:
(Links provided) 

1.  What is the actual address for the club.
It is at the bottom of each blog post.

2. Why haven’t you shared about the Seniors Fair in November.
(It’s not November yet)
Waterloo Seniors Fair Flyer – November 2023 (1)

3. Discussion around why our club was not a vendor or participant of the Senior Fair. We were not invited to and there is a fee to participate.
Jaye informed Club; we are in the Activity Guide and this is a way we recruit new members, along with our website. Also, these events don’t generally have “Affiliated Groups” participating. OSSCC is an Affiliated Group. 

This guide is produced 4 times a year. 
ActiveWaterloo Fall Guide 2023

 Look at page 45 in the Activity Guide that lists our Club. 
OSSCC in Guide

4. Membership Drive 2024 
We plan to book RIM Park for March 6 or 13, 2024.
Once it is confirmed, membership will be notified. 


If anyone requires further information,
please let me know. 




6 thoughts on “A few tidbits folks have requested…”

  1. Thanks for the update.
    A couple more requests.

    Links to the
    Insurance policy details
    Affiliation agreement with the city.

    A number of members have questions about the liability aspects of towing, trip leading , being a director and on committee participation.

    Presenting new ideas for better participation in possible club events could be streamlined with this information as well.

    Looking forward to member participation in the survey monkey ventures.

    Also, when is the next BOD meeting, and how can members observe?

    Cheers, Greg

    1. 1. If you want to see the affiliation agreement or the insurance policies, I would suggest you become a board member. It is part of their duty to look after this on behalf of the membership. That is what they were elected to do.
      2. If members have questions about towing or leading trips, they have the opportunity to ask questions during the training that has been offered in the spring. That as well as liability is also addressed in the Club Handbook and Rules which can be found on this blog in the Resources section (for the most up-to-date version).
      3. Getting people people to volunteer or participate in events is difficult at the best of times. This includes the BOD. These people are also volunteers and are doing their best to represent the club. If members have an idea or an event they’d like to see happen, nothing is stopping them from taking it to a board member for approval and then taking the lead to organize and getting it done.
      4. Board meetings are not open to the general membership as they are doing the business of the club as “elected” directors with voting privileges. If you or anyone else wants to observe, I would suggest you volunteer and become a board member. I understand there are still some openings.

      1. Any other groups to which I belong have board meetings that allow non-board members to attend. I would assume they cannot participate in discussions unless invited and of course, cannot vote as they are not elected. Heads of committees would fall under this category as they are not voting board members but report to the board. I did not see anything in the Handbook that said BOD meetings were closed to the general membership.

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