Bowling on Tuesday.

Bowling for Fun, (and maybe a little chocolate)

Date:  Tues. Nov. 14
Time: 1:30 pm.
Location:  Victoria Bowl, 280 Victoria St., Kitchener
( corner of Victoria and Strange St.)
Cost: $9.00 (includes two games of bowling, shoe rental
and taxes.)

Optional Lunch ahead of time across the street at City Bakery at 12:30 pm.

Please let Brenda Welch know if you plan to come and if you
are coming for lunch or not.  You can reach her by email at or by phone
519-884-2168.  This is a land line.  Do Not Text.  There is an answering machine for messages.

Christmas Lunch Note
If you plan to attend, you may bring your payment (cheque) along with menu choices to bowling.

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