Membership Efforts


The OSSCC membership is the heart of our club. Every member is a valuable asset which is why we want everyone to stay safe and healthy as we hunker down for this crisis. We recognize that things will be different this year and no one can predict the future so we will move forward as we always have and hope that we can still have a canoe season.

covid-19 impact on membership

I posted a “Membership Update on March 23rd. Our Membership Drive and now our Training schedule have already been impacted with the closure of facilities in the cities of Waterloo and Kitchener, and now the Region of Waterloo has declared  a “state of emergency“, so we will have to take things on a daily basis as this COVID-19 crisis unfolds to see how the rest of  this season goes.  Luckily, our first canoe trip is planned for May 5th, which is still over a month away and there is still lots of wiggle room to reschedule some trips as we approach May and June.  Check out the rest of the Schedule to see what we have to look forward to!!

In spite of the set backs, we will still move forward with our “Membership Drive” as outlined in the Membership Update.  With Wing 404 closed until further notice, we don’t have access to our mailbox, so please send your renewals to the address below (mine). Either mail it or drop off in the mailbox.

C/O 132 Kesselring Court
Kitchener, ON  N2E 2P2

Please remember that the form consists of 2 parts: the member information portion and the waivers portion.  Both parts have to be completed, signed and dated to be complete. We ask that you let us know you are renewing your membership, so we not only know to expect your renewal, but keep you connected to the blog and the club!

We hope you all plan on renewing to support the Club and that we will see you on the river and at the wonderful events the Social Committee has planned once we are able to gather again! So far, the response has been quite positive! Many thanks to those of you who have already sent in your registrations and who have responded that you plan on renewing. It is much appreciated.

Fingers crossed that all the precautions the various levels of government have put in place will get this thing under control sooner rather than later so we can get on the water!

I’d like to thank Bill Cutler and his Membership Committee for their hard work in promoting the Membership Drive.  We had 15 interested potential members who were planning to join at the Membership Drive.

Finally, please take the time to check out our Membership Resources.  If you have any questions or concerns, email:


Carol Marion

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