***2020 SHOULD WE REOPEN?-{Please Read!!}

The Premier has finally announced that much of Ontario will be moving to Stage 3 on Friday.  This includes the Waterloo Region.

That is good news for many reasons and goes to show that through diligence and determination we can flatten the curve, cut the number of new covid cases, stay safe, and can now enjoy less restriction, while still practicing responsible safety measures.

To that end, while the board comes up with a plan and protocols to reopen safely, we would also like to solicit feedback from our members to see what you think:

Do you think we should reopen? (Why or why not?)

Which trips are you most interested in? (see Trip Schedule)

Are you willing to be a Trip Organizer? (We can’t have trips without people to organize them)

Are you willing to be a Tower.…or car top a canoe if neccessary?

Do you have any ideas or suggestions that the board could utilize in their plan? 

Please either answer the above in the comments section below for everyone to read, or send to info@oldsaltsclub.com

We hope to hear from as many members as possible, so I thank you in advance for your input.

Eugene Marion, President


13 thoughts on “***2020 SHOULD WE REOPEN?-{Please Read!!}”

  1. Yes we should open,most of our time is well distanced and we would wear masks in cars. Stick to the trips close to home to limit car time. We would organize or tow, Evan and Jane

  2. I’m a new member this year and have been waiting for this. I am not sure what happens on trips (other than canoeing of course), but my thinking is that distancing is possible.

    I can’t tow, but I can carry a canoe on top of my car.

  3. Absolutely, I feel we can re-open as masks can be used when in closer proximity to each other since we are outdoors. I continue to be willing to be a tower if needed and looking forward to getting back on the water. I have my roof rack in place on my CRV ready for adventure .

  4. We are willing to start up again. Evan and Jane said it quite well. We would wear masks in close proximity. We would be willing to tow. Going to nearby places would be best.
    Val and Rich

  5. I would like to thank everyone who have replied to date. We need input from the majority of our membership in order get a better idea for planning purposes. I am hoping to be able to provide more details on when & how we will open our canoe season in the near future. Eugene Marion, President OSSCC.

  6. I think driving in cars together even with masks is a risk. I can’t think of a way it would work if we drive ourself to the starting point. How do we get back to our car unless we canoe back. It may work for Paradise Lake. Is there a way we could not be handling cash? Loading and unloading canoes with masks on should not be a problem. We should be able to get in and out of canoes ok with masks on and keep a distance. While in the canoe we may not need the masks since we are a good distance apart. Masks are only effective if they are dry. How do we rescue someone whose canoe has tipped over? I have really missed the canoeing this year, especially the fun people I met last year my first year in the club. I found every trip a challenge and so much fun. I was so looking forward to seeing everyone this year. It would be so nice if we can make it happen. I have to be especially careful, my wife has a very compromised immune system. There is so much I took for granted before all this and so much I will be grateful for when it is over. It would be so nice just to see everyone again. How about a ZOOM with Hubert and Martin on guitar.

  7. Don has made a good point in view of health & safety concerns with vehicle shuttling, water safety and exposure to higher risk populations.

  8. I believe that we can open safely with all the precautions that have been well said by others. Even a short season will help to keep us together as a club.
    I would give some freedom of choice to the trip organizers to pick their favourite trip out of the schedule.
    I am always prepared to tow for any trip that my schedule allows.
    Everyone that will be carrying passengers in their car for carpooling or shuttling can take a few minutes to wipe down door handles and other contact surfaces before hand to reduce chances of inadvertently transmitting the virus and with everyone wearing masks we can all be reasonably safe.

    Armand Martin

  9. Short easy breezy type trip where we could go out and back like the Eramosa or New Hamberg where not shuttling is required and everyone could take their own vehicle would be great. Stratford and Waterford are other in and out at the same spot places

  10. Hi team,
    I miss you all and the many wonderful trips we have shared together! Everyone has brought up many great points and through them illustrated their concern for health and safety. I believe that if we closely and conscienciously utilize all precautions including masks, sanitation, driving precautions, social distancing and more, those of us ready to return would enjoy canoeing on carefully orchestrated trips. We must honour those not able to or ready to join in group activities. A meeting (Zoom or outdoors, social distancing) to ensure we refine and list the necessary precautions/rules (followed by an email to all members) may be benefit to ensure we are all following the same procedures. Rescue team procedures should be set in place as Don suggests. Whenever we do rejoin, I know we will all be grateful to be together again. Stay safe and healthy.

  11. Hi Fellow Canoeists, (Val and Rich Haiser)
    I like what has been said so far. We can Tow anytime as well as Armand. With regard to handling money/cash. It could be put in an envelope and handed over and the receiver would leave for 2 days and then open and use or deposit it. Write your name and the amount on the outside.
    Starting with one closer to home without the need to carpool would be best as Pat says, and then we can get ‘the bugs out’ on how we are handling everything. I am sure we can do this!

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