The board is meeting on Monday via Zoom to discuss the logistics of commencing with our season now that our region is in Stage 3 of the Covid-19 reopening as outlined by the Provincial Government.

However, it makes no sense to reopen our club, if the majority of our  members do not feel safe doing so and don’t plan on participating accordingly based on their own comfort levels. It also doesn’t make sense to open up if we don’t have members willing to help organize trips and tow the trailer.

To date, only a small handful of members have responded either in the comments section below the post **2020 OSSCC Season Opening-{Please Read!!}  by Eugene or via email. We hope this is not an indication that people don’t care and are leaving it up to the board to decide.

Therefore, again, we ask that those who haven’t responded, to please take the time to give us your feedback. Many thanks to those of you who have responded.  Your thoughtful comments are greatly appreciated and will be considered in any decisions that are made.

We have never faced this situation as a club before and are in unchartered territory. Since the board represents the membership and is trying to work in everyone’s best interest, it is important that any decisions made of this magnitude are done with input and suggestions from the membership.

Do you think we should reopen? (Why or why not?)

Do you plan on participating if we do open?

Which trips are you most interested in? (see Trip Schedule)
Is there a trip you would like to see substituted?  Why?

Trips can’t happen without someone to organize them. Are you willing to be a Trip Organizer? Please contact Anne Woolner to get your name on the schedule (membership list) 

Are you willing to be a Tower.…or car top a canoe if neccessary? Please contact Anne Woolner to get yourself on the schedule (membership list)

Do you have any ideas or suggestions that the board could utilize in their plan to ensure the safety of our members? 

After our meeting next week, there will be another post to let you know what the plan is moving forward and any guidelines that will need to be followed to keep our members safe.


  1. If canoeing is delayed, how about starting with Tuesday morning hiking, weather permitting? We could maintain the 2 metre distance on the trail.

  2. With the uncertainty of the times and people’s personal schedules would it be a good idea to post the organizers email and phone number asking anyone with intent to canoe to contact them by Sunday noon so that they know if there is sufficient interest to proceed? Assuming of course that the board does open up trips.

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