2020 REOPENING! {Please Read}

Hello Members,

As mentioned in the last couple of posts, the OSSCC  Board has tried to come up with a plan to get us back on the water in a manner that will allow us to be safe yet still respect the the COVID-19 parameters set out by the province.

To that end, many of our members have expressed their desire for the Club to reopen and to get back on the water. How that will work will depend on YOU and your level of participation.  We still need people to lead trips. To be blunt, NO TRIP ORGANIZERS = NO TRIP! 

To volunteer, contact Anne Woolner at annewoolner@hotmail.com to get your name and contact info on the schedule. The proposed schedule is posted here.  If you want to know what’s involved in organizing a trip, check out the duties here. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about the schedule, please either contact Anne directly, or comment below this post.

To get on the water, the Board has approved a strategy to employ strict safety measures to keep everyone safe and healthy. EVERYONE is required to adhere to these measures, no exceptions!

Highlights of the 2020 OSSCC Reopening Strategy includes, but is not limited to: (please read the full document for all details)

    • Anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 , is not feeling well, has Covid-19 symptoms, has been in contact with someone who has Covid-19 etc., should not participate in our canoe trips this year.
    • Anyone who has been out of province or out of the country recently, should be quarantining and not participate in canoe trips or Club activities until their quarantining period is over.
    • Number of people on a trip are limited to 1 trailer (6 canoes) = 12 people maximum to 8 people minimum. The second trailer will not be used this year. There will be no car-topping.
    • Members must provide their own masks (at least 2), hand sanitizer and wipes as part of their canoe gear and use as required. This will not be supplied by the Club.
    • Members must sign and submit a Covid-19 Liability Waiver. This is in additon to the Waiver that was submitted with your registration. This must be submitted to the Trip Organizer prior to participating on your first trip.
    • Members will be required to pre-register for canoe trips (like it is done for Easy Breezy trips.) If members don’t sign up for trips, they will be cancelled and the season will end due to lack of interest!
    • Changes to how trip fees are being collected is outlined (see document)
    • Includes trip day protocols, handling the canoes, shuttling/carpooling (if required) etc. (Read the document for more details)

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You can also view and print both documents from here.

Since we can offer no training this season to assess skills, new members will be restricted to Easy Breezy outings (flat water) only. I know our more experienced members will welcome and help our new members who bravely joined our group in spite of the covid threat.

Participation is purely voluntary and according to your own personal comfort level. We recognize that not everyone is comfortable canoeing at this time, in spite of the measures put in place, especially with regards to carpooling and shuttling, etc. We leave that to you to decide and respect your decision.

For those who have decided not to canoe this season, we thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on the water and at other Club events next season. Stay healthy, be safe!

8 thoughts on “2020 REOPENING! {Please Read}”

  1. Thank you for the update.  This is my first season with OSSCC.  I don’t see any provision for new member orientation or training, which is understandable.   That being the case, I will not be participating this year. 


    Kit McDonough

    1. Hi Armand,
      Could you please let Anne Woolner know which trips you might be interested in participating/towing in so she can update the schedule accordingly?
      Much appreciated.

  2. Eugene and I will not be participating on the water this season. We have a baby, toddler and an expectant mama in our social bubble that we don’t want to risk. Wishing everyone well and looking forward to seeing you all at some point when it is safe to do so.

  3. Hellooo All,

    I read the entire OSSCC Blog & the 2020 Reopening Strategy – I am very
    impressed with the great job you all did in making canoeing again
    feasible, with safety in mind of Covid-19. However, I personally will
    forego participating this year as I feel most comfortable in returning
    to my new normal at a slower pace. I hope everyone is well and rest
    assured – I do miss this special group of fellow canoeists!!!
    Margaret Russell

  4. Thank you for everyone who has left comments. The more feed back we get the better. This is your club and participation in any form is helpful and appreciated. Even though I will not be canoeing this season, I am very much involved in making sure those of you who will be canoeing will do so with all the resources and information needed to stay safe and enjoy your experience. Anyone who has any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  5. Happy paddling to all the participants. I won’t be joining this year since I’m in a strict family social bubble. Seeing the grandkids is my first priority. I will miss the water and the camaraderie and I hope we get a vaccine by next year so we can all get together without fear. Hope you all have the best summer possible under the circumstances and stay healthy!

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