Thursday, August 13, Easy Breezy on Hespeler Pond

This is an easy flat water paddle on Hespeler pond. Please pre-register with trip co-ordinator Anne Woolner ( or 519-743-2277). Because of Covid, only 12 will be allowed on each trip and you must bring 2 masks, hand sanitizer, your $6 canoeing fee in an envelop with your name and $ amount on it, a signed waiver, if you have not already done this, (on the blog) and your PFD .

Armand (226-899-6339) will be towing

One thought on “Thursday, August 13, Easy Breezy on Hespeler Pond”

  1. We still have some spots left on this paddle. The pond is actually quite a good size- enough to keep us occupied for a few hours. Contact Anne ( or 519-743-2277) if you want to join the fun!

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