August 31st Trip Details!

In this blog post, you will find the trip details for Tuesday, August 31st.  Please read carefully. If you decide to participate, please follow the directions below, including contacting the Trip Organizer directly as indicated to save your spot. If you sign up, but end up changing your mind, please let the Trip Organizer know before trip day so your spot can be filled and we don’t end up waiting for you!

Trip: Saugeen River  #1– Walkerton (LOBIE’S PARK ACCESS #5 (WALKERTON)- TO CONC. 10 RIVER ACCESS #7)
Date:  August 31st
Time:  Meet at the shed at 8:00 a.m. for a 8:15 a.m. departure
Trip Organizers: Eugene & Carol Marion ( or call 519-570-6250
Tower: Armand Martin
Details:  This is another club favourite! Lots of challenges, fast water with moderate rapids and plenty of opportunity to practice river reading skills. This is an all day trip so we can’t guarantee when we will be back so come prepared with lots of water, snacks and a lunch. There is a section of the river where we stop for lunch and have some river fun, so come prepared if you plan on getting wet. We will end the day with a stop for icecream or supper (your choice) on the way back, so bring extra money.
Skill Level: Experienced paddlers only! There are sections with fast moving water that require skills not covered in basic training!
Shuttle: Yes
Trip Fee: $9 (Out of town trip more than 100 km)

Please contact Carol Marion at or call 519-570-6250 to save your spot for this trip. You will receive a confirmation email on Monday from the trip organizer.

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