Three Messages in one: Membership, Social and Canoeing Reminders


’23 Membership List -FINAL


Social Events Planned:

  • May 18th ~ Blackberry Movie night at Landmark Theatre. (previous blog post mentions details)
  • June 2nd ~ Bike Ride: Glen Morris to Paris dam and back. Start at 9:30am, total distance 22kms. Petra to update
  • June 8th ~ Pot luck and canoe trip at Pat’s trailer. Open to all current, former Old Salts and their partners. Those not canoeing will meet at 11am at 211 Pioneer Tower Road, Kitchener
  • June 13th ~ Paradise Lake. A FUN day at Camp  Ki-Wa-Y. RSVP to Pam K.
  • July ~ Escape Room is planned.  Terry & Shelly will update  
  • August 10th ~ Mini golf. This year we may try  Bingeman’s Golf.  Brenda to update
  • August 24th ~ Corn roast in Stratford. Nancy & Pat to update
  • September 7th ~ Rockwood Conservation Area – canoeing or walking followed by a wiener roast Marilyn, Janet & Jane to update
  • Sept 11 to 15th ~ Bondi Village Adventure. A fun week of paddle and friendship
  • September 26th ~ Regatta at Laurel Creek with potluck and games. Brenda, Betty and Pat to update
  • October Car Rally~ possibly the 17th or 24th. Mark Z to update
  • Wednesday, October 18th ~ 1pm to 3:30pm Annual General Meeting. Bruce to update
  • November ~ Brenda & Janet to update on activities: Bowling, movie and more in the off-season
  • December 5th ~ Club Christmas Dinner. Brenda to update.

    Canoe Trips Planned for May & June:   
    Please consider leading or towing for some of the upcoming canoe trips. If you can assist so we don’t have to cancel trips, contact Anne (
  • May 23rd ~Grand River- West Montrose to Kaufman’s Flats
  • May 25th ~ Easy Breezy -Grand River- Moyers Landing to River Bluffs
  • May 30th ~Ninth River Ayr-Blenheim Road (Intermediate Training required-ITR)
  • June 6th ~ NEW Trip-Credit River Streetsville Highway #5. 
  • June 8th~ Easy Breezy -Grand River Freeport to Pat’s Trailer. (all are invited) 
  • June 13th ~ Fun Day at Paradise Lake – please register with Pat K. (all are invited) 
  • June 15th ~ Nith River – Blenheim Rd – Canning (ITR) 
  • June 20th ~ NEW Trip-Thames River Fanshawe Dam-Springbank Dam. (ITR)
  • June 22nd ~ Easy Breezy -Grand River – West Montrose to Kaufman’s Flats
  • June 27th ~ Saugeen River #1 Walkerton Lobe’s Park-Concession 10 Access #5-Access #7. Ice cream may be involved if desired!!! (ITR) 

    If you have made it this far, THANK YOU very much for reading along! 

Jaye ~ Membership Cordinator

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