Ponder and Post

 As I sit and ponder about blog posts, I wanted to ask members a few things about “HOW” to engage with them-you?
HOW many like to receive posts about ‘social events? Do you want/require reminders? 

HOW many of you can’t access the blog posts when you click on blog post-read on website? Have you forgotten your password?
Do you OPEN the posts or read it via your email for key words or information?
Are you receiving TOO many posts in your inbox? 

Are there pieces missing you would like to see on the website, perhaps in the membership tab: List of Board and Committee members? List of years of service/membership? Other suggestions. Remember, this information would be for members only

WHY now... We have low # engagement for the blog posts.
Does that mean you are not interested in any other events than the weekly canoe trips?  Are you busy doing life, you cannot join in? It’s not ‘your jam?

Volunteers are planning amazing trips and the social committee has many fun activities planned, however, if participation is low, we’d like to know how we can improve OR do we allow it to be as it is and go about our merry little way in this thing called life!! 

Gentle reminder, this is OUR Club and your input is important.
We are successful when folks say they enjoy the club, are having fun, meeting new people and want to return the following year. 

This is achieved via canoeing and social events with members.

If you have ANY comments – suggestions, please email info@oldsaltsclub.com and I will pass along to the Board members to discuss and ponder away at.
We are open to receive the good, the bad and the ugly… hopefully more good than bad 🙂 

Thank you for taking the time to read this long ponder post, I appreciate it.

In the meantime  Don’t Forget: 
Canoeing ~ 
Tuesday, May 30th @8:30am. Nith River-Ayr-Blenheim Rd.
Register with Anne Woolner  annewoolner@hotmail or call 743-2277 

Towers and trip leaders required ~ 
Please reach out to Ann at her contact info above.

Social Events ~ 
Friday, June 1st @9:30am. Scenic bike ride – Glen Morris to Paris dam and back again.
Register with Petra Stuffling  petrastuffling@gmail.com   
or call 519-497-4837

June 8th Pot Luck and canoe trip at Pat’s trailer.
Canoe information will come out in due time.
Those not canoeing, will meet at 11am at 211 Pioneer Tower Road, Kitchener.  

June 13th Camp Ki-Wa-Y on beautiful Paradise Lake.
A fun day and club favourite!
$20 per person, breakfast and lunch included. First come, first served.
Register with Pam Krokoszynski pamkrok@rogers.com

Jaye ~ Membership Coordinator 

2 thoughts on “Ponder and Post”

  1. Hi Jaye,
    You (and all the organizers) are doing an awesome job! Your emails and posts are clear, complete and nicely presented.
    No, there are not too many emails and posts. I sometimes skip reading the blog because all the information seems to be in the emails.
    I think that many people have a lot going on, still catching up on visits and trips after covid, so attendance for canoeing and other activities is compromised for now.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. I appreciate all the emails and the blog. I think the information is very clear and well throughout.
    Unfortunately I am away until mid June and am missing great canoeing and the bike trip which I would also have enjoyed very much.
    I appreciate all the work behind the scenes.

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