October 18th AGM

This will be the LAST post reminding folks about vacant positions and the requirement of new Board of Directors.

Our AGM is an opportunity to share the business of the club, the successes and plans for the future.
An opportunity to acknowledge volunteers and their commitment to the club. Our club would be lost without the many hours put in by the dedicated volunteers. A simple heart-felt thank you is not enough for your devotion. 


We look forward to our membership “stepping up and into the vacant positions” allowing  our club to be sustainable.

Bruce, our current President, reminds us: ALL positions on the BOD are not gender biased. Women can run for any position including president.

Vacant positions are:

1. President – 
2. Secretary

Training – There is someone interested and we will announce later. Membership – Bett Fitzpatrick will let her name stand for nomination
Social – Pat Aiken will take over from being Co-chair to being Chair
Equipment – Frank Kuntz is willing to take over from Armand Martin

Vice President – Michael will stay on
Trips and Scheduler – Anne will stay on. 

Our Affiliation agreement with the City of Waterloo reminds groups:
AGM’s are a time to report the BUSINESS of groups.
We have been running as a business: financial reporting, minutes, agendas and nominated positions along with following our Provincial Gov’t non profit requirements. We are NOT a social group wanting everyone to like us, our group is the Old Salts Senior Canoe Club



Gentle reminder, this is NOT a meeting to air grievances, banter back and forth about what went wrong and divide ‘camps and members. 
Our words and actions speak a lot about who we are. 
Kindness Matters. 




4 thoughts on “October 18th AGM”

  1. The Irony of

    “Our words and actions speak a lot about who we are.
    Kindness Matters. ”

    Well day to day club events mostly yes, but wrt BOD issues and club direction this year…. not so much.
    If not at the AGM, then when are club members concerns to be addressed in an open Q&A?
    I’ve been waiting for months for BOD meeting minutes so that I could try and formulate balanced questions and suggestions to problems that at least third of the members have been discussing and distressed about this year in order to approach the BOD, and now we are shut down?

    Who will please provide to all club members
    A discussion path forward,
    Access to this year’s monthly and special meeting BOD minutes,
    Access to the City of Waterloo affiliation agreement.
    Access to the Insurance coverage details.
    And what education the BOD gets wrt club bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order.
    The “Gentle Reminder” paragraph above cannot be ignored.

    I appreciate the dedication and work so many of our members have put forward this and past years, but if some issues aren’t resolved it will be difficult to recruit and retain our volunteers as well as enjoy a successful canoe club.

    Greg Finlay

  2. It strikes me that the discussion of “what went wrong” is rather overdue and the approach of this blog is highlighting a major factor No Comunication with the club members. I didn’t even know there was any problems until a few comments at the weiner roast. If the one and only meeting we have is not the place to find out what is going on WHAT IS!!

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