Social event next week.

More Bowling for Fun – Tuesday, January 16
The long awaited date has almost arrived!
Join us and beat the January Blues!
There might be chocolate!
Date:  Tues. January 16
Time: 1:30 pm.
Location:  Victoria Bowl, 280 Victoria St., Kitchener
( corner of Victoria and Strange St.)
Cost: $10.00 (includes two games of bowling, shoe rental
and taxes.)
Optional:  Lunch ahead of time across the street at City Bakery at 12:30 pm

Please let Brenda Welch know if you plan to come for bowling AND if you
are coming for lunch or not. 

Email Brenda OR
Phone:  519-884-2168. 
This is a land line.  Do Not Text.  There is an answering machine, you can leave verbal messages.

Hope to see you there.  Everyone is welcome.


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