Future Trip Cancellations

A few of our trips were cancelled because no one volunteered to lead them. Therefore, we call on all our experienced paddlers  and those who volunteered to lead trips on their registration forms, to please sign up and volunteer to lead one of the trips listed below so no further trips will be cancelled due to lack of leader (or tower). (Anne will be away on these dates**)

June 30th – Easy Breezy – Stratford Lake

July 5th- Nith River – Drumbo to Canning**

July 12th – Grand River – Bean Park (Paris) – Wilk’s dam**

July 14th – Easy Breezy – Speed River – Royal City Park**

July 26th – Beaver River – Access #2 – Heathcote**

July 28th – Easy Breezy – Grand River -Moyer’s Landing – Riverbluffs**

Aug 2nd – Grand River – Kaufman’s Flat – Shirley Dr.

Aug 9th – Grand River – Brant Park – Erie

Aug 11th – Easy Breezy – Moonlight Paddle

Aug 25th – Easy Breezy – West Montrose – Kaufman’s Flat**

Sept 6th – Big Creek

Sept 15th – Easy Breezy – Hespeler Pond

As you can see, we have some lovely trips planned and it would be a shame to cancel any of them. As members volunteer, the schedule will be filled in….check back often as trips could change depending on water levels and flows.

We have many resources to assist you and extra help is always available….just ask! If you decide to lead or tow for any of these trips, please contact Anne Woolner (519-743-2277 or annewoolner@hotmail.com). Please note that Anne will be away in July, so it would be great if she could hear from you asap.

You can find the membership list here if you want to team up with anyone.

Thanks, in advance to those who answer the call and offer to lead!

UPDATE: Tuesday, May 31-Niska Bridge to Hespeler Pond

No one has volunteered to lead this trip. Unless someone who is familiar with this route wants to lead it, the trip will be cancelled or changed.  Most of the rivers are quite low except for parts of the Grand so we may switch to Petrocan – Glen Morris even though we are doing it later in the season. Stay tuned!!!

Trip Leader & Tower Workshop Reminder

Date: Wednesday, April 20th

Meet:  1:30 p.m. at shed at Wing 404 RCAFA Rotary Adult Centre, 510 Dutton Dr., Waterloo, ON

If you want to see what towing or leading a trip involves, this is a great time to see what it’s all about before committing!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Anne Woolner at annewoolner@hotmail.com (this was rescheduled from April 14th which was cancelled)

Trip Organizing Resources can be found here

Added trips

We have added 2  of our cancelled trips onto our schedule- Thurs.Sept. 30- Otterbein to Freeport (Easy Breezie) & Tues. Oct.5- Petrocan to Birley gates.

That will conclude our season. We started later than usual but also ended it later than usual.

I hope to see you all on the water next year!

Volunteers Needed!!!!

Volunteers are the lifeline of our club. We can’t operate without them. Trip Organizers, towers, etc., and especially the Board of Directors (BOD), all require volunteers for the Club to function properly and remain viable. The future of the Club depends on you!


To date, we have NO Trip Organizers for the following trips:

Tuesday, Sept. 7th
Thursday, Sept 9th
Thursday, Sept. 16th

As a result, they will be cancelled unless someone steps forward to organize. There are resources to help anyone who wants to lead at trip. Anne has  the trip sheets and travelling  directions ready to send to anyone who volunteers to lead a trip.

Since it took us until the end of July to get started this season, and we’ve had to cancel a couple of our Tuesday trips, it would be a shame if we had to cancel our September trips because we have no volunteers to run them! The season would be essentially over at that point.

Thanks in advance for your assistance in keeping our 2021 season alive !!

Trip Organizing Resources


At this time, the BOD really needs a Secretary. We ask that you seriously consider this position. Your contribution would really be appreciated and the time commitment would be for our monthly BOD meetings (less July & December) and our annual general meeting. There are lots of resources available to help with the job.

We also have an opening for  a new Web Administrator. This is a fun position for anyone who enjoys computers. Carol is willing to work with whoever volunteers for the job until they are comfortable. She is preparing a manual for the handover and will stay on in an advisory/techie support capacity.

Due to covid restrictions, we are not able to hold an AGM at this time, however, if anyone would like to become a member of the Board, please contact a current member to express your interest. Members of the BOD will work with their successors to ensure a smooth transition so the Club can continue operating.

Want to find out more? Please contact Carol Marion: caroline.milla4@gmail.com or 519-570-6250





At the end of every season, a day is planned to do an end of season clean up of our canoes and equipment to get them ready for next season so we start out with clean canoes (especially important for our pool training in the Spring). A date is yet to be determined (depending on when our canoe season ends), but if you can help, please contact Armand Martin at armandrmartin@gmail.com or call 226-899-6339