Opening Update!

Hello Old Salts!

We hope this message finds you all in good health and coping well with the Covid-19 challenges that have been presented to us as we round the corner to entering Stage 2 of reopening. These are unprecedented times that will generate many conversations down the road, but today, I would like to provide you with an update on the status of our Club and thank you for your continued patience in waiting to hear what the 2021 canoe season will look like.

The OSSCC Board of Directors has been meeting via Zoom regularly to monitor the Covid-19 situation and how it affects our Club. The BOD has decided that we will resume activities once the Region of Waterloo enters Stage 2 of reopening. With more people receiving their 2nd vaccination and with less restrictions, the OSSCC will be operating on a limited schedule with measures that were put in place last season and possibly extending the season into the fall, weather permitting. This also means that social events will start as well.

With the Club resuming operations shortly and offering activities, we will also require members to complete membership renewal forms and pay their membership fees. The fee remains the same at $40 per person. The membership form has been tweaked to reflect current requirements and can be found here.  (See below for more information). Since we don’t have access to Wing 404 to pick up mail, I ask that you either mail or drop off the form/fees to OSSCC, C/O 132 Kesselring Crt., Kitchener, ON N2E 2P2. If you have any questions about this, call me at 519-501-2078 for clarification.

The canoe schedule is ready to go and it will be published and available on the blog once we get the go-ahead that the region is entering Stage 2. Hopefully by this time most of our members will have received their 2nd vaccination. With the safety measures we put in place last year and with the added protection of being fully vaccinated, members can still enjoy a fun canoe season and any social events that may happen. In the meantime, please submit your forms and fees to ensure the continued viability and success of our Club. The membership list will be adjusted accordingly and available at the end of July. For our new members from last year, we are working on a plan to provide basic canoe training (on a first come, first serve basis) so you can participate on some of our easier trips.

Please stay tuned to the blog…..another update will be posted with the date of the first canoe trip of the season being announced!

Eugene Marion, President
Old Salts Seniors Canoe Club

Membership Renewal Form changes……

You can find the Membership Renewal form here.

As per several requests from some of our members, I have created a “fillable”  PDF form that can be completed via desk top computer or laptop using the free Adobe Reader DC software, and then saved and  printed. This can also be done on tablets or cell phones that have an app that can read and edit PDF forms.  Of course, the form can  be printed and filled out by hand, as has been the case in previous years….something for everyone! – Carol


2021 Canoe Season Update

Hello Fellow OSSCC Members!

It’s hard to believe 2020 has come and gone. It’s already March 2021 and we are faced with the same dilemma that we faced a year ago during the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic.  On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank everyone for their support during a very difficult 2020, whether you decided to canoe last season or not.

The OSSCC Board of Directors has been meeting via Zoom regularly to monitor the Covid-19 situation and how it affects our Club activities. The recommendation by the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health is to discontinue any large gatherings to keep our community safe and stop the spread of the virus. As such all OSSCC activities have been suspended until further notice. This includes canoeing, training and all social activities.

With our 2021 Membership Drive cancelled, your Board of Directors would like everyone who wishes to remain an OSSCC member, to notify us either by phone or email so we can continue to keep you on the membership list.  Rather than have everyone fill out a new 2021 membership application/waiver, we are going to extend the 2020 form to apply to 2021 for your convenience. We will not be collecting any membership fees at this time as long as no club activity takes place  i.e. canoeing, training. etc. We ask that you check the current members hip list on the Blog and let us know if any of your information has changed. Please call (519) 501-2078 or email me at 

Our Board of Directors will continue to meet via Zoom to try to navigate through this COVID 19 crisis with the hope that we can have another great canoe season.  Thank you for your cooperation.  We will be in touch when the situation changes and we are ready to resume our scheduled events. In the meantime, we wish you well. Stay healthy!

Eugene Marion,
President, OSSCC
Res: 519-579-1360
Cell: 519-501-2078
As you confirm your membership, please think about the following:
There are some vacancies on the Board that still need to be filled. Please consider the following positions:
You can find the job descriptions here

2020 REOPENING! {Please Read}

Hello Members,

As mentioned in the last couple of posts, the OSSCC  Board has tried to come up with a plan to get us back on the water in a manner that will allow us to be safe yet still respect the the COVID-19 parameters set out by the province.

To that end, many of our members have expressed their desire for the Club to reopen and to get back on the water. How that will work will depend on YOU and your level of participation.  We still need people to lead trips. To be blunt, NO TRIP ORGANIZERS = NO TRIP! 

To volunteer, contact Anne Woolner at to get your name and contact info on the schedule. The proposed schedule is posted here.  If you want to know what’s involved in organizing a trip, check out the duties here. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about the schedule, please either contact Anne directly, or comment below this post.

To get on the water, the Board has approved a strategy to employ strict safety measures to keep everyone safe and healthy. EVERYONE is required to adhere to these measures, no exceptions!

Highlights of the 2020 OSSCC Reopening Strategy includes, but is not limited to: (please read the full document for all details)

    • Anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 , is not feeling well, has Covid-19 symptoms, has been in contact with someone who has Covid-19 etc., should not participate in our canoe trips this year.
    • Anyone who has been out of province or out of the country recently, should be quarantining and not participate in canoe trips or Club activities until their quarantining period is over.
    • Number of people on a trip are limited to 1 trailer (6 canoes) = 12 people maximum to 8 people minimum. The second trailer will not be used this year. There will be no car-topping.
    • Members must provide their own masks (at least 2), hand sanitizer and wipes as part of their canoe gear and use as required. This will not be supplied by the Club.
    • Members must sign and submit a Covid-19 Liability Waiver. This is in additon to the Waiver that was submitted with your registration. This must be submitted to the Trip Organizer prior to participating on your first trip.
    • Members will be required to pre-register for canoe trips (like it is done for Easy Breezy trips.) If members don’t sign up for trips, they will be cancelled and the season will end due to lack of interest!
    • Changes to how trip fees are being collected is outlined (see document)
    • Includes trip day protocols, handling the canoes, shuttling/carpooling (if required) etc. (Read the document for more details)

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You can also view and print both documents from here.

Since we can offer no training this season to assess skills, new members will be restricted to Easy Breezy outings (flat water) only. I know our more experienced members will welcome and help our new members who bravely joined our group in spite of the covid threat.

Participation is purely voluntary and according to your own personal comfort level. We recognize that not everyone is comfortable canoeing at this time, in spite of the measures put in place, especially with regards to carpooling and shuttling, etc. We leave that to you to decide and respect your decision.

For those who have decided not to canoe this season, we thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on the water and at other Club events next season. Stay healthy, be safe!


The board is meeting on Monday via Zoom to discuss the logistics of commencing with our season now that our region is in Stage 3 of the Covid-19 reopening as outlined by the Provincial Government.

However, it makes no sense to reopen our club, if the majority of our  members do not feel safe doing so and don’t plan on participating accordingly based on their own comfort levels. It also doesn’t make sense to open up if we don’t have members willing to help organize trips and tow the trailer.

To date, only a small handful of members have responded either in the comments section below the post **2020 OSSCC Season Opening-{Please Read!!}  by Eugene or via email. We hope this is not an indication that people don’t care and are leaving it up to the board to decide.

Therefore, again, we ask that those who haven’t responded, to please take the time to give us your feedback. Many thanks to those of you who have responded.  Your thoughtful comments are greatly appreciated and will be considered in any decisions that are made.

We have never faced this situation as a club before and are in unchartered territory. Since the board represents the membership and is trying to work in everyone’s best interest, it is important that any decisions made of this magnitude are done with input and suggestions from the membership.

Do you think we should reopen? (Why or why not?)

Do you plan on participating if we do open?

Which trips are you most interested in? (see Trip Schedule)
Is there a trip you would like to see substituted?  Why?

Trips can’t happen without someone to organize them. Are you willing to be a Trip Organizer? Please contact Anne Woolner to get your name on the schedule (membership list) 

Are you willing to be a Tower.…or car top a canoe if neccessary? Please contact Anne Woolner to get yourself on the schedule (membership list)

Do you have any ideas or suggestions that the board could utilize in their plan to ensure the safety of our members? 

After our meeting next week, there will be another post to let you know what the plan is moving forward and any guidelines that will need to be followed to keep our members safe.

***2020 SHOULD WE REOPEN?-{Please Read!!}

The Premier has finally announced that much of Ontario will be moving to Stage 3 on Friday.  This includes the Waterloo Region.

That is good news for many reasons and goes to show that through diligence and determination we can flatten the curve, cut the number of new covid cases, stay safe, and can now enjoy less restriction, while still practicing responsible safety measures.

To that end, while the board comes up with a plan and protocols to reopen safely, we would also like to solicit feedback from our members to see what you think:

Do you think we should reopen? (Why or why not?)

Which trips are you most interested in? (see Trip Schedule)

Are you willing to be a Trip Organizer? (We can’t have trips without people to organize them)

Are you willing to be a Tower.…or car top a canoe if neccessary?

Do you have any ideas or suggestions that the board could utilize in their plan? 

Please either answer the above in the comments section below for everyone to read, or send to

We hope to hear from as many members as possible, so I thank you in advance for your input.

Eugene Marion, President


July OSSCC Covid Update

Hello fellow OSSCC Members,

With July now here, I thought I’d give you all a quick update on how we stand as a club as we continue to navigate the covid crisis and its effects on our club’s reopening.

As I have said before, due to Covid-19, the City of Waterloo has kept its facilities closed, which includes access to our canoes. The target date for a soft opening with restricted use and reduced capacity is July 13. This includes Wing 404 and some senior programs.  The last update can be found here (scroll down to Senior Services): link to notice

Also affecting us, the province has  not changed the number of people allowed to gather, which is still 10, although this may change with stage 3.  Until we get more information from the city, region and province that allows us to resume club activities safely,  we will stay temporarily closed.

I have been in touch with the President of the Ancient Mariners and they are following the same protocols as us and have cancelled all their scheduled trips until they can reopen safely.  The Waterloo Wellington Canoe Club has also suspended all their activities until further notice, so we are not alone.

It cannot be emphasized enough that as a board, our first priority is the safety and continued good health of our members. So, at least for now, until restrictions are lifted by the various levels of government, and until we can do so safely, we cannot proceed with scheduled canoe trips just yet.

Once we have clear direction, the board will come up with a plan to commence our season in a way that is safe for everyone. If anyone has ideas or suggestions, please post in the comments below, or email me directly at  Thanks to those who have already done so.

Eugene Marion, President

Please note that the final membership list has been posted. Some emails and phone numbers have changed so please discard any old lists you may be currently using.


Greetings to all!  Hopefully, this notice will find everyone safe and in good health.

First of all, thanks to all of you for your support of the club by registering and and submitting your membership fees in light of the uncertainty we have been facing with this Covid19 outbreak.  Your continued backing of our club is much appreciated as we weather this crisis together.

Many of you may be wondering what is happening, when we are going to start our season and how it is going to look. The health and safety of our membership is our top priority as we work to set things in motion once we are able.  Unfortunately, we are still under the provincial social distancing mandate (with 5 or less people for a gathering) and must wait for the province to relax this.  The City of Waterloo has also closed their facilities until June 30th and is now in the planning stages for opening some time in July.

Since that is over a month away and we can’t predict what will happen between now and then. We will keep you posted.

In light of all this, we have to  cancel our canoe trips for the month of June.  This also means that our June 16th Paradise Lake Fun Day has been cancelled for this year.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please use the comments section below this post. Please note that the membership list has also been updated, so please keep in touch with our fellow members.


Eugene Marion, President

Latest Updates Due to Covid19

Today’s update is to talk about training, our canoe trips and membership with an updated membership list.


In case you missed it……

Due to the timeline  and uncertainty we are experiencing in the coming weeks, our training with Beth Jones has been cancelled. Refunds will be issued to anyone who has paid for these lessons, including the pool sessions.

Until this crisis is over and we can get on the water, we don’t know what our training will look like this season.  For now, we can offer some virtual training……check out these links:

Club Handbook & Rules – any information you want to know about the club is in the handbook.

The Club Handbook & Rules has lots of great information in it, particularly in the “Safety” section.  Want to learn how to read the river?  There are pages dedicated to this topic with colour pictures to illustrate points. Curious about river hazards that we may encounter? Examples are shown in the handbook. There’s lots of other goodies in the handbook, so please check it out.

For those of you who don’t have access to a printer and would like a hard copy, we do have those available for $10 per book. We have limited copies, so reserve yours by contacting

Canoe Basics – Let’s get started!

One of the first things we learn in our lessons is to know our equipment. Check our our Canoe Basics page!

Know Your Strokes

Do you know your strokes and what they do? Do you know when and how to use them? This page has great illustrations and descriptions showing the different strokes (also in the Handbook).  There are also videos showing how these strokes are done and why (also used in our Dryland Training).  Until we can get on the water ourselves to practice,  the resources on the Know Your Strokes page are a very good review.

Canoeing Terminology

Every year, our canoeing instructor uses canoeing terminology that some of us have never heard of. Wonder what “river left” or “back ferry” means?

Here you will find a collection of canoeing terms that have been collected over the last couple of years and that we may have all heard at one point or another during our canoe training and outings.

QUIZ (answers found here)

What are “painters”? a) people who paint your house b) mesh that is woven for canoe seats c) rope attached to the bow and stern of canoes

What is a “lilydipper”?  a) a slow moving paddler b) the bottom portion of a paddle c) throw bag

What is a “lead boat”?  a) a boat filled with lead b) the first boat down the river c) the boat that tips first

Canoe Trips in May Cancelled

Due to the the extension of the “State of Emergency” issued by the Province of Ontario to May 12th, and possibly longer depending on how this pandemic plays out,  we are cancelling all canoe trips for the month of May to comply with social distancing protocols. Fingers crossed that during this time, all the safety measures put in place will bring positive results so that we can get our season started!


Many thanks to to everyone who have sent in their registrations/waivers/fees and those who have let us know they plan on renewing their memberships.  It is very satisfying to see so many people supporting our Club as we navigate through these uncertain times.  We will have a season…..we just don’t know when it will start. For those of you who haven’t sent in your fees or forms yet, please do so at your earliest convenience. DO NOT send anything to Wing 404 as the facility is closed and we can’t pick up mail there. Mail or drop off at 132 Kesselring Crt. Kitchener, ON N2E 2P2

Please extend a big welcome to our new members who have joined in spite of the COVID-19 crisis.

Updated membership list:  OSSCC Membership 2020


As we try to have some sense of normalcy during this abnormal time, the first version of the membership list has been posted. The list includes:

      1. Returning members who have submitted registrations forms/fees,
      2. Members who have indicated their intention to renew (fees/forms pending),
      3. New members.

If you aren’t on the list, it’s because of privacy considerations. We won’t assume you plan on coming back if you haven’t told us so.  The membership list will be updated weekly as we get notified of intentions/registrations.
Please note: Even if you have notified us of your intent to renew, please send in your registrations/fees as soon as you are able as directed in the President’s Report.

Once again, thanks everyone for supporting the Club in spite of the uncertainty we are all facing with this Covid-19 crisis!! Without members like you, our Club doesn’t exist, so “Your Membership Matters” is actually a phrase that is not only a slogan, but true! Our first priority is the safety and health of our members, so this season will truly be unique,  but we will adapt to get through it. At some point, we will be able to gather again so we can get back on the water and spend time with each other!


Due to the timeline  and uncertainty we are experiencing in the coming weeks, our training with Beth Jones is being cancelled. Refunds will be issued to anyone who has paid for lessons, including the pool sessions.

Until we can get on the water, we do have some great resources posted on the blog that can be reviewed in the interim:

OSSCC Handbook & Rules (Hard copy available for $10 – see “It’s In The Print)
Know Your Strokes (includes videos)
Canoe Terminology
2019 Trip Videos (to remind you of how much fun we had last year!)

So until we can meet again, we will keep you posted as we get more information! If you have any questions, please post in the ‘comments‘ section below the post or email

Stay safe. Keep healthy!


In case you missed it, an OSSCC newsletter was sent to registered Club members on March 27th with the latest information and news pertinent to the new season. If you haven’t read all the reports, please do so.

Many of you have already sent in your registration forms and fees, and some of you have let us know that you plan on renewing and will be sending in your registrations/fees as soon as you are able. Thank you very much! Your support and commitment to our club is much appreciated as we navigate through these uncharted times! We also have 3 new members that are joining us this year that I’d like to extend a warm welcome to on behalf of the Club!

To those of you who haven’t let us know your intentions yet, please do so ASAP.  Our membership is the ♥heart♥ of the club. We don’t exist without you!

So we can all stay connected as we distance ourselves socially and stay safe, we would like to put up a tentative new membership list (Ver. 1) by the end of the week. Only members who have renewed their memberships, or have let us know they plan on renewing will be on this list.

As noted in the President’s report, fees for this year have not changed.  They are still $40 per person. (See President’s Report)

**NEWSFLASH** We have been informed by Jaye Kuntz that Wing 404 will be closed at least until May 4th as per notice from the Waterloo Region.
We will continue to keep you updated as we receive new information.

If you have any questions, contact us through

**In Case you Missed it.….please read to get the latest updates!**


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