OSSCC Training News

Last year we welcomed Beth Jones-Cornwall as our certified moving water instructor and were very pleased with the expertise and professionalism that she brought to our club.  Long time returning club members as well as new members all benefited from Beth’s up-to- date knowledge and instruction. Beth is certified with ORCKA (the Ontario Recreational Canoeing and Kayaking Association) and Paddle Canada as both a Moving Water and Basic Flat Water Canoeing Instructor.  She is also certified as a Wilderness First Responder and a Swift Water Rescue Technician. Beth has taught moving water courses and clinics for the Scouts, Girl Guides, Waterloo Wellington Canoe Club, various school boards in Ontario, along with other associations. Beth has also guided private canoe trips and courses for over 16 years, so she is well qualified.

Dryland/Orientation Training + Pool Training

For those new to the club, it is expected that you will participate in the two hour dry land training and orientation.  At this time, we will discuss in detail the expectations of the club, how we operate, logistics, safety, gear, working together with your partner in the canoe and basic canoe strokes.  Also, new members are expected to participate in the two pool training sessions where we will again focus on safety, rescue techniques and some basic canoe strokes. There will then be three training sessions on the Victoria Street pond where we will put into practise what has been learned in the pool.  

Basic Level (Flat & Moving Water)

By that time you will be ready for Beth’s two half day basic level courses.  She will review canoe strokes and techniques both in the bow and in the stern for both flat water and moving water.    Also, she will go over risk management considerations, in current manoeuvres, river reading and self rescue. You will be introduced to the term “MITH” M-I-T-H  and eddy turns, S-Turns, and peel outs. Remember, we are mostly on rivers with currents, some faster than others, so even if you feel that you have canoeing experience, it is always good to refresh those skills, review the terminology and be open to learning new techniques and manoeuvres.  Long time members are also invited to take the basic level course if you would like to improve your skills. Training is intensive for new members, but it will make your canoeing experience with the Old Salts much more enjoyable and safe for all.

Intermediate Skills Training

Next, Beth will offer the two half days of Intermediate Skills Training.  These are offered on moving water for members who have successfully completed the basic level course and would like to further improve their water strokes, manoeuvres, river knowledge, and rescuing techniques.   It is necessary for members to have both the basic and intermediate training to participate in all our excursions. With just the basic, you may be excluded from some of our more challenging trips, as we may feel they may be too dangerous without adequate preparation.  Once again, long time members of the club are encouraged to take the intermediate training to practise their skills and get updated, professional feedback on their canoeing techniques and water reading ability.

Refresher Training

Finally, Beth is offering the Refresher Training Course.  She will challenge us to use our knowledge and skills to make our own decisions on the water and become competent trip leaders.  Beth will review strokes and the “MITH” technique, risk management, moving water manoeuvres and river reading. This course is especially important for all trip organizers, leaders, trippers, trainers, members who have taken the safety course, and anyone who wants to review the skills and techniques they have learned in the past.  Anyone who has not taken a course in the last few years is strongly encouraged to take this Refresher training to update his or her skills.

We, as a club, strongly encourage all members to sign up for at least one course.  It will make for happier, safer and more enjoyable excursions for you, your canoe partner and all those on the outing with you.  

If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for the training courses by contacting me at:  lynnwarmington1@gmail.com or call me at 519-846-9243.

Thank you. 


With the indefinite closure of Wing 404, Dryland Training will be cancelled this year. The City of Kitchener has also closed it’s facilities until April 5th, so in all likelihood, the Pool Training may also be cancelled if the city’s pools aren’t reopened. We will keep you up to date should there be any changes with any of the training with Beth Jones due to the COVID-19 crisis.

additional resources

Canoe Terminology

Know Your Strokes – videos and illustrations on strokes and canoe technique

Old Salts Seniors Canoe Club Handbook


Words From the President

This message is much different than the one I was going to give at the Membership Drive. Much has changed in the last two weeks that directly impacts our Club so I would like to address these issues. I direct this message to our  members who currently have access to our Blog.

First, I hope this message finds you all in good health and coping well with the social distancing challenges that have been presented to us. These are unprecedented times that will generate many conversations down the road.  In the meantime, please stay positive, keep in touch with each other and above all stay safe as we all look forward to sunny days ahead and getting back on the water!

I’m sure you have all received and read the MEMBERSHIP UPDATE announcement that Carol posted on Monday. If you haven’t read it, please do. This post outlines how we are supposed to renew our memberships this year in light of the current COVID-19 situation.

To clarify some questions that have been raised, please note that the membership fees have not changed: the fee is still $40 per person.  The Alumni membership (members for 20+ years) is still $25 per person. Cheques should be made out to : Old Salts Seniors Canoe Club

A notice was also sent out with regards to WING 404.  The City of Waterloo has closed all its facilities until further notice, which includes Wing 404. Therefore, to avoid confusion, I ask that you ignore the address stated on the form (Wing 404) and send/or drop off your membership renewal and fee to my home address. I am fortunate to still get home delivery, so it will be placed in my mail box. The same goes if you prefer to drop it off personally.

c/o 132 Kesselring Court
Kitchener, ON  N2E 2P2

We have been told that any membership renewals that were sent to Wing 404 will be held once received by Jaye Kuntz. (Manager at Wing 404)

For more information on “membership”, please refer to the Membership Report.

This will be an interesting year for us as there are so many unknowns that we have never dealt with as a club. It’s not a question of WILL we get on the water this year, it’s WHEN we get on the water. The Trip Coordinating Committee , lead by Anne Woolner, got together in the off season and planned some great trips. Some are new and others are our old favourites. Fingers crossed that we will get to do them, barring COVID-19 restrictions or inclement weather! Check out the schedule here: 2020-2021 Training and Trip Schedule. For more information, check out the Trip Co-Ordinator Report.

I also ask that any of our members who have been around for more than a year, to please consider volunteering to be a “Trip Organizer” for our canoe trips this year. We have a whole resource section on this blog dedicated to making this easy to do with lots of information, including a specific “how-to” detailing exactly how to organize a trip as well as a check list to simplify the process. You can find that here: Trip Organizing
Many thanks to Dianne Wagner, Lynn Warmington and Anne Woolner for putting this together and updating!

Finally, I’d like to thank you for your continued support of our Club.  Our board was told quite recently at one of our meetings how important our club is to the city.  As active members we not only participate in physical exercise but also have a positive contribution toward our emotional fitness and mental health by keeping connected and caring for each other.  Life has a tendency to provide us with some challenges along the way.  All we can do is to deal with them as best we can by staying calm, positive and know that we will get through this together as a club.


Eugene Marion, President


Hello members,

In light of the current global COVID-19 situation we have all been experiencing, we are cancelling this year’s Membership Drive to keep in line with the protocols our various levels of governments have set out. Waterloo, Kitchener and Cambridge have all closed their Municipal buildings and facilities (pools, libraries, meeting rooms, etc.) until April 5th.

What does that mean for us?

This also includes Wing 404. The building will be closed as of midnight tonight, so no meetings and we won’t be able to pick up mail or leave/pick up registration forms as we have done in the past.

Membership Drive

Although the membership drive is cancelled, that doesn’t mean we are cancelling memberships (without memberships, we cease as a club). On the contrary, we ask that for those of you who have printers, please print out and complete membership forms (remember, it is a 2-pager) and mail (or drop off) along with fees to:

C/O 132 Kesselring Court
Kitchener, ON  N2E 2P2

You can find the form here If you don’t have a printer, please have someone print out the form for you.

Even though we can’t have the actual membership drive, we will be having a “virtual” meeting where the presentations that were going to be made will be made available on the blog some time later this week. Please be sure to read through the materials.


Since Wing 404 will be closed until April 5th, this also means that our Dryland Training will be cancelled, and if the dates are extended, possibly our pool training.  This will certainly impact our new members the most, so we hope our current, more experienced members will assist and mentor our new members should the need arise.

To date, our training with Beth Jones is not impacted, so we encourage you to sign up for training to update and refresh your skills if you haven’t done so in a while. The costs are listed on the membership form. If you have any questions or concerns about training, please contact Lynn Warmington at lynnwarmington1@gmail.com or 519-846-9243


Our Membership is our most valuable asset, which is why we want all of you to stay safe and healthy as we weather this crisis. Without you, our club wouldn’t exist, so thank you for your continuing support.

To that end, we look forward to the start of the new season and hope you all renew your memberships so we can continue to enjoy the many benefits our club extends.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

Eugene Marion, President
Old Salts Seniors Canoe Club

resources for covid-19

Government of Canada
City of Waterloo
City of Kitchener
City of Cambridge
Region of Waterloo