2024 Membership Drive

A few folks have asked when this date is. 

Bett Fitzpatrick and her helpers will welcome members old and new to Rim Park on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 1 to 3pm.

If you are not planning on joining the club this year, 2024, please send an email to info@oldsaltsclub.com and we will remove you from the membership.
Likewise, if you have a friend that may be interested in joining, invite them to check out our website. 

Hope to see you in March, if not before.


2024 OSSCC Board of Directors

Pleased to present to the membership, the following:

President: Bruce Williams
Vice President: Michael De Andrade
Treasurer: Pat Aiken
Secretary:  *STILL VACANT 
Membership Coordinator: Bett Fitzpatrick 
Training Coordinator: Teresa Maki
Trip Coordinator/Scheduler: Anne Woolner
Equipment Committee Chair: **Laddy Kaszowski
Social Committee Chair: Pat Aiken
Thank you to the many people who volunteered to be on  subcommittees to help with transitions.
We appreciate your support.

Bett, Theresa and Laddy will be joining the meetings in October and November to become familiar with process etc. 
Martha, Jaye, Armand and Brenda will stay on until December 31st, 2023 to mentor those folks moving into their current role in 2024. 

*Secretary position – VACANT.
If anyone is interested, each out to President  Bruce via email: brucewms@yahoo.com 

**After the AGM, there was an nomination received.
Laddy K as Equipment Committee Chairperson.
It was seconded and approved by B of D.
If there is ANYONE who disapproves with this nomination… PLEASE reach out to President Bruce. 

Thank you for keeping our club active!

Documents required for AGM on Wednesday, October 18.

Annual General Meeting:  Wednesday, October 18th, 2023
1:00 – 3:00pm 

Address: RIM Park – 2001 University Avenue E, Waterloo, ON

Room for Meeting: Forbes Hall ~ Century Room 
(same place as the 2023 Membership meeting was held)

~ Please wear your name tag~

Below are the documents you will want to review. 

2022 Financial Statement 

2022 10 18 AGM Minutes 

October 18 2023 AGM agenda


October 18th AGM

This will be the LAST post reminding folks about vacant positions and the requirement of new Board of Directors.

Our AGM is an opportunity to share the business of the club, the successes and plans for the future.
An opportunity to acknowledge volunteers and their commitment to the club. Our club would be lost without the many hours put in by the dedicated volunteers. A simple heart-felt thank you is not enough for your devotion. 


We look forward to our membership “stepping up and into the vacant positions” allowing  our club to be sustainable.

Bruce, our current President, reminds us: ALL positions on the BOD are not gender biased. Women can run for any position including president.

Vacant positions are:

1. President – 
2. Secretary

Training – There is someone interested and we will announce later. Membership – Bett Fitzpatrick will let her name stand for nomination
Social – Pat Aiken will take over from being Co-chair to being Chair
Equipment – Frank Kuntz is willing to take over from Armand Martin

Vice President – Michael will stay on
Trips and Scheduler – Anne will stay on. 

Our Affiliation agreement with the City of Waterloo reminds groups:
AGM’s are a time to report the BUSINESS of groups.
We have been running as a business: financial reporting, minutes, agendas and nominated positions along with following our Provincial Gov’t non profit requirements. We are NOT a social group wanting everyone to like us, our group is the Old Salts Senior Canoe Club



Gentle reminder, this is NOT a meeting to air grievances, banter back and forth about what went wrong and divide ‘camps and members. 
Our words and actions speak a lot about who we are. 
Kindness Matters. 




Update to Thursday, August 17th Easy Breezy Paddle

“OOPS,  we had a senior moment!” 

Trip Correction  Easy Breezy

Date:  Thursday, Aug.17

Trip: Nith River at William Scott Park 
Basic Training required. 

Leader:  Robin Heaver
Tower:  Steve Knapp

Cost: $8 (no envelopes necessary) 

Meet at the shed to leave @ 9:00 am 

Trip Details: A leisurely round trip paddle up the Nith River from New Hamburg. All are welcome for this scenic paddle.

Please make car pooling arrangements before we meet on Thursday morning.  

If you carpool, please reimburse your driver ($5-10 would be appropriate for this trip). If you drive in a different car each way, please reimburse both drivers. 

Bring lunch, water, hat, sunscreen, PFD and proper foot wear- no flipflops  

Please contact:  Robin Heaver rgrheaver@gmail.com  OR 905-220-6301)   to register for this trip.   
You will receive a confirmation email  to confirm your spot. If you don’t receive a confirmation by Wednesday night, please contact  the trip leader  to make sure you are on the list.

If you change your mind or are unable to make it for some reason, please let the Trip Leader know asap as this will affect number of canoes required, partners, etc