If you missed any of our recent meetings ( Spring Registration Meeting, Orientation/Dryland Training), or haven’t canoed with us in a while, please read this post carefully… (Best viewed on the Blog to see diagrams & illustrations)
You may want to bookmark this page for future reference. More resource links are listed on the bottom of this page

How to sign up for a canoe trip

Information will go out to the membership in the form of a blog post/email notification. Make sure that you read and follow  the instructions carefully. Respond to the person listed in the email. DO NOT REPLY to the email notification… will go to an unmonitored email box!

Once the canoe season starts, emails will be sent out regularly for both Tuesday and Thursday trips.  They will be headed by different logos so you will see the difference (illustrated below).   Information will be included that will tell you what you need to know (as seen in diagram below):

Diagram #1 – Information that will be included in blog posts/email notifications including different trip images as indicated in diagram

It is our protocol to call or email the Trip Leader to register for your chosen trip rather than just show up at the shed.  This helps the Trip Leader know who is expected so they can organize accordingly in advance of the trip. E.g. confirming towers, car-toppers, etc.

Make sure you have the skill level, training and stamina required for the trip you register for. (If you don’t have intermediate training, don’t sign up for a Tuesday trip that requires intermediate training. If you don’t have the stamina or strength, don’t sign up for an all-day trip)

All members are expected to meet at the shed on canoe day at the designated time to check in, pay fees, choose partners and arrange shuttles.

If you end up not being able to make the trip or are going to be late, let the Trip Leader know asap so the group doesn’t end up waiting for you or is left wondering where you are on trip day.

Show up for the trip with the exact amount for the trip fee (there will be no change available and we don’t do IOUs).

DO NOT make other plans for canoe day. We do not guarantee our return time and will not make alternative plans to accommodate you!

So What Happens Next?

Names of members who register for a trip are noted on a Trip sheet. When you arrive at the shed, you will check in and pay your trip fee.

Trip fees are $8<100 km and $15>100 km. The amount will be noted on the email notification.

Trips can be cancelled due to:
1) excessive rain/thunder/lightning,
dangerous water/flow rates,
3) if there is no Trip Leader or no Tower, and
4) if not enough people sign up (<8) and no one wants to car top.
This will be at the discretion of the Trip Leader.

If a trip is cancelled, the Trip Leader will notify those who have signed up for the trip that day. Please check your emails before you leave home.

If there are odd numbers, someone will have to use the kayak.

If fewer than 20 people sign up (but more than 13), up to 3 vehicles will need to car top canoes. Anyone who car-tops an OSSCC canoe for this reason will get their trip fee refunded.

Diagram #2 – Newly updated Trip sheet for 2022

If more than 20 people sign up, both trailers will be used and 2 towers will be required.

Non-member guests are allowed at the discretion of the Trip Leader, but it will depend on the skill level required for a particular trip.

Diagram #3 – Non-Members: Conditions and Waiver
Diagram #4 – Emergency Contact Card Sample

    • When you come out on a canoe trip, please come prepared! (Read email about the trip carefully)
    • Dress for the weather (don’t wear jeans or cotton)
    • Make sure you bring a waterproof dry bag with a change of clothes (see here for more details on what to bring).  You will be thankful you did should you happen to get wet!
    • Help out where you can so we can all enjoy our day! (see here for what to do on canoe day)
    • Review your strokes…what they are and what they do (see here)
    • If you have a favourite trip, consider leading it. Check out the trip shedule. There are lots of trips that still need trip leaders. If you didn’t make it out to the training, see here for an overview on what is involved and/or contact Anne Woolner  at
    • Remember: We are not in a hurry….this isn’t a race…..canoeing  is supposed to be fun!

Helpful Links

Trip Schedule
What to Bring on a Canoe Trip
What to do on Canoe Day
Club Handbook & Rules – lots of good information in this book!
Towing/Mileage Expense Form – For the towers!
Past Trip Videos
Canoeing Terminology – Do you know what a painter is? {Hint: It’s not someone who paints}
Welcome Old Salts 2023 Newsletter – in case you missed it!
Training  Info
Trip Organizing

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