
The AGM went very well yesterday. It was a great way to end our canoe season and have the chance to socialize with members we haven’t seen in a while. Many thanks to the Social Committee who provided the coffee and goodies!

I am also happy to say that we have a full slate for our new Board of Directors.   They are as follows:

President:   Bruce Williams
Vice President:  Michael De Andrade
Treasurer:   Pat Aiken
Secretary:  Martha Mackay
Membership Co-ordinator: Jaye Kuntz
Training Co-ordinator: Lynn Warmington
Scheduling/Trip Co-ordinator:  Anne Woolner
Equipment/Maintenance: Armand Martin
Social Committee Chairs: Brenda Welch/Pat Aiken

We would like to extend a big welcome and best wishes to all our new board members.  You will bring  fresh ideas and a new dynamic to OSSCC that  we can only benefit from.

At this time, I would also like to thank Denise Newell and Larry Martin (who have resigned)   and express our gratitude for their many years of service to the Club. Your  contributions  have helped shape the Club into what it is today!

The Club website has undergone an update. It has been integrated with the Blog for easier management and navigation. One feature that has been added is a Q&A page  that will answer questions future old salts may have about the club. Also, the “Conditions of Membership” (Waiver) has been included as well. (This is part of the waiver on page 2 of the registration form). If you know of anyone who would like to join the Old Salts next season, please send them to:

For those of you who couldn’t make the AGM, please note that the spring membership registration meeting has been booked for Thursday, March 23rd (2023) at Rim Park…..mark your calendars!

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up for the October 25th “Road Trek and Potluck“.  The Social Committee has been working diligently to make this a fun and challenging event. For more details see here {link}

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