I don’t have a canoe. Can I still join?
Yes, certainly. The Club owns 12 canoes, several spares, and a kayak (for when we have an odd number of paddlers). OSSCC provides canoe trailers to transport canoes to outing location, and certain mandatory equipment (paddles, ropes, bailers, and a first-aid kit), but NOT personal gear such as PFDs (personal flotation devices…aka “life jackets”, etc.).

I have my own canoe. Can I use it?
Yes, you can, but we do not encourage it. If you wish to bring your own canoe to any of our outings, please be aware that the Club takes no responsibility for them. You will have to transport them and will still have to participate in shuttling and pay the trip fee.

I prefer kayaking. Can I still join?
We are a canoe club and gear our training and plan our excursions to that end. The Club does have a kayak that is used in the event that we have an odd number of paddlers for a planned trip; otherwise, everyone else uses the Club canoes.
Some members do have kayaks and have planned river excursions to scout new routes for possible inclusion in our canoe trip schedule.

What are the fees involved in being a member of this club?
The fees are as follows:
1.  Membership – $50 per year plus $8 for a name tag (new members only) non-refundable after training starts
2 Training – TBD – see here. Beginner canoe training is mandatory for all new members so skill levels can be assessed and trips can be planned accordingly. (If you have moving water training i.e. from Paddle Canada, and/or are ORCKA certified, please let us know on your registration form.)
3. Trip fees – The trip fee is based on the distance travelled (either $8 or $15 per person) and is payable whether you bring your own canoe or not.  Trip fees cover the cost of transporting the canoes from our canoe shed to the put in and take out locations and back to the canoe shed.

Are there any other expenses I can expect to incur?
The Club does not provide personal gear. i.e. PFD (personal flotation devices…aka “life jackets”). These are your responsibility. Always bring extra cash  to help with gas expenses if you carpool…or in case we stop for ice cream!

What is your canoe season?
The OSSCC canoe season runs from April  to October, but non-canoe social activities take place throughout the year.

I am single, and don’t have a canoe partner. How would I fit into your Club?
Our Club has many single paddlers who join without partners. Members are partnered up on the day of the canoe trip with other single paddlers. If there are odd numbers signed up, someone volunteers to take the kayak so no one misses out.

I have canoeing experience. Do I have to take the training?
Safety is very important to our club, especially since we are a group of 55+ seniors. Because of this, beginner canoe training is mandatory for all new members. This is so skill levels can be assessed and our trip leaders  and any potential canoe partners can be assured you have the required abilities for the types trips you want to participate in, and you can be assured that anyone who you partner up with also has the necessary skills for that particular trip. If you have moving water training and/or are ORCKA certified, please let us know, and you can discuss your experience with our Training Co-ordinator for possible exemptions. For more information see here.

Are the canoe trips during the week or on weekends?
Canoe trips are scheduled on Tuesdays from May until October as outlined on the trip schedule (distributed to members at the beginning of the season via the Blog). These trips require basic  and intermediate training for our more challenging, moving water trips. We also have canoe trips scheduled on two Thursdays a month during the season to cater to those who like shorter, more leisurely trips on flat water. In the past, we have also had members volunteer to lead overnight trips on weekends. Our final trip of the season is a 4-day canoe adventure at Bondi Resort where we explore various routes in Algonquin Park and surrounding areas.

I have special needs. Can I be accommodated?
It depends on what your special needs are. Participants who have known disabilities, can’t swim or have medical problems requiring special needs may want to reconsider joining if they can’t meet the conditions of membership.  If your needs still allow you to canoe, you MUST inform the Trip Leader organizing the trip and make provisions for these prior to Club outings.  The Club carries a basic First Aid kit on all canoe outings. Please reads the “Conditions of Membership” carefully before joining.

Does your Club offer anything besides canoeing?
Yes, we do. For more information, see here.

How does your club operate?
The success of the OSSCC depends on its volunteer members. Everyone is expected to participate in the running of the club in some capacity. We have several committees, our Board of Directors, and other areas where we need volunteers to help out. Getting involved is a great way to meet people.

Is there anything else I should know?
Yes. More information can be found here and here.

I am ready to join. What do I do?
1. Read the “Conditions of Membership“. This part of the registration form.
2. The NEW membership registration form can be found here .  Please complete both sides and mail, along with $58 to the address on the form or bring to the Membership Registration meeting in March.
If you wish to be on our mailing list to be kept up to date on Club news until then, please let us know here.
3. Our spring membership registration meeting is held annually around the 2nd-3rd week in March at Rim Park in Waterloo. Hope to see you there!
4. If training has started, membership is closed for the season. Please email info@oldsaltsclub.com to have your name placed on the mailing list.

Once I join, what gear will I need?
1. Transport Canada certified PFD (personal flotation device)
2. Pealess whistle
3. Waterproof flashlight (and extra batteries)
4. Non-slip water shoes with closed toes
5.Dry Sack to hold change of clothes, towel, etc.


If you have any other questions, please contact us!