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This is our  communication hub where Old Salts can catch up on Club news, be notified about trip changes/cancellations/reschedules, find out about other club activities being planned, view canoeing resources and provide input via comments, etc.

Since the “Blog” was first introduced to the club several years ago, it has evolved into an efficient communication and resource hub that has yet to reach its full potential.  Looking for canoeing resources? Look no further. Make comments and give us your feedback. Have a suggestion? We’d love to hear it!  Want to know where we plan to canoe this season?  Check out the Trip Schedule and plan which trip to go on…..and check back often in case there are changes. Did you really enjoy a particular trip? Let us know………..It’s all about communication!
Please note that the Blog is a separate entity from the web site, the major difference being that the blog is a portal that is only available to our members and the web site is available to the public to let you know we exist.

Access the Blog here.