Provided by the Club:  OSSCC provides canoe trailers to transport canoes to outing location, canoes, and certain mandatory equipment (paddles, ropes, bailers and a first-aid kit), but NOT personal gear such as PFDs (personal flotation devices…aka “life jackets”). Each scheduled trip is lead by a Trip-Organizer with additional assistance by experienced, volunteer members. The Club offers mandatory  training for new members to assess skill levels for maximum safety as well as additional training in more progressive paddling and water safety instruction. There is a fee for canoe training.

Responsibility of Members and Guests: All who participate in Club activities must recognize that canoeing is not without risk, and be willing to accept that risk by taking responsibility for their own actions and utilizing the training offered by OSSCC. The Club offers leadership and training by qualified professionals and volunteers. All who participate in a scheduled Club trip should abide by the following:

  • Sign up for trip as per email notification outlining trip details
  • Arrive at the canoe shed at least 30 minutes before departure time (to sign in, pay, organize number of canoes required, transportation, etc.)
  • Sign in and pay fees immediately as per schedule.
  • Have sufficient cash to pay for trip-fees (see posted schedule).
  • Bring your PFD, dry pack, sunscreen, water and food as called for.
  • If able, help with loading and unloading canoes and other equipment.
  • When possible, provide car-pooling to the destination as required, or offer gas money to driver if being car-pooled.
  • If driving, have enough gas for the trip.
  • Please be punctual so we can leave on time!!

Trip Schedule: All Club trips are subject to change depending on weather and water conditions. If change or cancellation is necessary, members will be notified by email the morning of or the evening before the trip. The trip schedule will be made available to the membership at the beginning of the season for easy reference.

  • Tuesday outings – The meeting time is at 8:30 a.m. at the canoe shed (for trips less than 100 km).
  • Tuesday outings – If the trip is further than 100 km, the meeting time is at 8:00 a.m. at the canoe shed.
  • Thursday outings  – The meeting time is at 8:30 a.m. at the canoe shed. 
  • Times for evening paddles will be at the discretion of the Trip Co-Ordinator and will be posted on the blog
  • Since we cannot guarantee our return time, members should not schedule appointments for that day. Accommodations will not be made.
  • Punctuality is important so we can make the most of our time on the water. If you are going to be late, let the Trip Leader know, otherwise, latecomers will be left behind!

**Please note: There may be exceptions to these times! Check with the Trip Leader or the Blog if you are unsure.

Privacy: In compliance with Federal Privacy Legislation, we expect all members to respect the privacy of others by refraining from revealing, beyond the limits of Club Membership, any contents of Club documents that contains personal information. This applies to Membership Lists, Trip Schedules and any other documents containing names, addresses and telephone numbers. Only Club members will have access to the OSSCC Blog.